What breed of cat are you?

There are many different cat breeds, but not many qualified human cats! Do you have a cat? Have YOU ever wondered how different cat breeds act? Cats see the world so differently, so breeds matter...

Are YOU catlike? Have YOU ever wondered what breed you may be? A Persian? A Maine Coon? A British Shorthair? A Siamese? A Turkish Van? A Russian Blue? Gather round...

Created by: TheCrazyCatLover
  1. Do you like water?
  2. Do you like to sing a lot?
  3. Outdoors or indoors?
  4. What's on the menu?
  5. There's a mouse on the landing. Do you
  6. Why do you like to climb trees?
  7. According to you, why did the chicken cross the road?
  8. When do you wake up?
  9. How often do you groom yourself?
  10. When you meet new people, are you

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Quiz topic: What breed of cat am I?