This is a test to see which of these 5 breeds suits you best

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This is a test to see which of these 5 breeds suits YOU best. All that will happen is I will ask you 5 simple question and you answer whatever you want, at the end you will see which of the 5 breeds you should have.

Note: All of the following breeds in this test are amazing animals and will NOT be treated differently to one another.Now, sit back and enjoy the test. Byeeeeee!(The last 5 questions are repeated from the first 5 because of how I have to make the quiz, please just do the same answers you did on the question repeated. Sorry for any inconvenience)

Created by: No named user
  1. Do you want a big dog
  2. Do you want a super fluffy dog?
  3. Do you want a clever dog!
  4. Do you want a dog to accompany you on adventures?
  5. Do you actually want a dog?
  6. Do you want a big dog?
  7. Do you want a super fluffy dog?
  8. Do you want a clever dog?
  9. Do you want a dog to accompany you on adventures?
  10. Do you actually want a dog?

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Quiz topic: This is a test to see which of these 5 breeds suits me best
