What bird should you have

"Many people love birds, but some people can handle a small bird easier then a big one. What bird should you have for your own, it has to be a bird that you will love to take care of."

" Are you good at taking care of a bird. Does it matter what kind? In this quiz you will choose an answer for every question, so be ready. It is fun!"

Created by: SF Armor girl
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Do you like birds with many colors?
  2. Do you like parrots?
  3. Can you handle big birds?
  4. Would you keep your bird indoors or out doors?
  5. Would you want your bird to fly?
  6. Do you like to spend time and play with birds?
  7. Would you want two birds?
  8. Would you rather have a big bird or a small bird?
  9. Would you like to have a white bird?
  10. Would you like to have a bird that is wonderful at singing
  11. Do you even want a bird?

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Quiz topic: What bird should I have