What Batman Villain are you | Comments

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  • Cat woman,I am quite cunning, self reliant,sly, mysterious and adventurous like. I also like cats and wear black all the time too actually. I don't think she is much of a villan though as the others but cool quiz anyways mate.

  • Your Result: Riddler

    You always have a trick up your sleeve. You are a smart person, and always thinks you're better than everyone. You were once a brilliant man, until someone gave you pain. You have question marks all over You!

    I am smart, so yeah sure I'll take the Riddler. Out of all the homicidal maniacs he's probably the least insane... I think. Well he's smart but he tourtures everyone with his clever contraptions. Meh, disregard that last comment I made, he's still pretty loony. The weird thing is, whenever I play the video games I just HATE him. I just want to find him and punch him in the face for mocking me. Then when I watch the movie Batman Forever I'm laughing right along with Jim Carrey. So in a weird way yeah I think he's my perfect match. In a VERY weird way. Great quiz!

    Missy Prissy Cat

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