What baby animal are you?

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Hi! Are you hoping to be a kitty? A puppy? A fish? Join me on this quiz and find out! I really hope you will have fun with this quizzes! Good luck!

I hope you all will have fun!

Created by: Hannah
  1. What do you eat?
  2. What are your abilities?
  3. What animal is bigger enough to kill you?
  4. What animal are you in conflict with?
  5. What's 2+2?
  6. I bet you said 2+2 is 4 rite? Well if so, let's continue the quiz. Who is the main character in Twilight?
  7. What word is this? HISNLGE.
  8. Am I boring you?
  9. What is i.e.?
  10. Of all questions, which do you hate? Make your choice on one of these.

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Quiz topic: What baby animal am I?