what avatar nation are you in?

WEll you know that retro new show avatar well do you no wat nation your in. Are you a honoured air bender,healing water bender ,spicy fire bender or a rich earth bender.? can you win i believe in you

Hail to you if u have the guts to do this thing.so get off ur backside and find your element. FIND OUT NOW! !are you doing this thing or what ?I bet you you will get it in your head in minutes its easy fun etastic

Created by: elissa
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. if you saw a little kid getting bullied?
  2. if you wanted to watch a movie and your mum says no would you?
  3. what is your fave element?
  4. who is favourite avatar character?
  5. if you coud marry one it would be?
  6. what is yor fave colour?
  7. is your hobbie?
  8. you like .... music?
  9. aang is?
  10. you are?

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Quiz topic: What avatar nation am I in? You can find more quizzes like this one in our Avatar Quiz category.