What are you in school?

Do you go to school? If yes, this quiz may tell you what you are in school! A Queen Bee, an average person, an underdog, or the teacher's pet? Who are you?

Are YOU popular? Are YOU normal? are YOU the teacher's favorite? Are YOU the latest joke? Take this quiz! At the end of WHO ARE YOU IN SCHOOl?, you will find out.

Created by: Mia
  1. How do people treat you?
  2. Do you get good grades?
  3. Do you have a lot of friends?
  4. This is nothing. Have a break.
  5. What if I say that you got an F on your test? What would you say?
  6. How much homework do you get?
  7. About how many days in a week are you left out?
  8. What do you want your result to be?
  9. Do you like this quiz?
  10. What does your name start with?

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Quiz topic: What am I in school?