What anime type are you?

Even if you got %0 percent on this quiz or a %100 percent it don't matter cause anime ain't real, so no need to get mad about it, you are you and no one can change you!

What type of anime are you none or sweet and kind? Find out in this quiz to see if you are! Even if you dont get it its okay \, cause anime is not real! XD

Created by: Do you want to know?
  1. What kind of series would you like?
  2. How do you feel about anime being dubbed???
  3. Do you use Japanese word's in your sentences?
  4. Can you understand what i am about to say?: Adigato! Sempai!
  5. Did you know that adigato means thanks in Japanese? and sempai means...Ah, i don't know what it means you just gotta google it...
  6. What personality is more..YOU!?
  7. Do you ever act like an anime in school or with your friends?
  8. Did you like my quiz?
  9. Comment??
  10. Rate?

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Quiz topic: What anime type am I?