What anime character do you represent

Hi, my name is Kurimi, and I hope you like this quiz. This is my fist quiz, so pls dont mind if I got something wrong. This quiz may be confusing and I am very sorry if it is.

The characters that you can get; Naruto, Midoriya, Emma, Rin, Yato, and Zero two. The results you get may not be fully accurate, and I am sorry if you get someone who does not match your personality.

Created by: Kurimi
  1. What is your favorite anime? (This does not affect your answer)
  2. What is your favorite color?
  3. What would you rather do on time off?
  4. What animal is your favorite?
  5. What is your preferred accessory?
  6. What would you describe yourself as?
  7. What sound would you like most
  8. What scent would be your favorite
  9. Where would you rather go
  10. Did you like this quiz (This has no effect on your answer)

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Quiz topic: What anime character do I represent
