Which Anime Character are you? ( FOR BOYS)

This quiz is not accurate at all. I just did this for fun so don't take it to heart!! I don't really know what to add for the rest of the characters so yee If there's anything spelt wrong sorry

You will either get Naruto, Light, Tanjiro, Inuyasha, and Eren! I will soon be making one for girls and etc. I hope you really enjoy this quiz!!!!!!!!

Created by: Eren Jeager
  1. Are you loyal?
  2. What are you at school?
  3. How many close friends do you have?
  4. What brings you to a good mood?
  5. What 3 Words Describe You?
  6. What's your biggest fear?
  7. If you could live anywhere, where would it be? (continents)
  8. Favorite Color? (NO EFFECT)
  9. Should I Make Another Quiz Like This??
  10. Last question, How was/is your day??

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Quiz topic: Which Anime Character am I? ( FOR BOYS)
