What Anime Character Are You?

Everyone has different personalities and strengths. I created this quiz to see what animation character I would probably fit best. There are five characters, but I don't want to spoil it for you. If you want to see what characters are there, answer the questions and you will figure them out.

The first question may not match the other questions, but I tried to do my best. Do you have an active mind and a true heart and is the character right for you? Do your best and never let anything get you down. Good luck!

Created by: Victoria
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. If you have a test one week from now, when do you study.
  2. Say that your friend tells you that your skills are a little rusty, what do you do?
  3. If the last question was real, would you take it personally?
  4. If you made a promise to someone, what would the promise be?
  5. If you have one goal in life, what would it be?
  6. If you have an alter-ego, when is the best time it will awaken?
  7. If you have a signature move or weapon, what move or weapon would you have?
  8. What kind of personality do you have?
  9. What are you afraid of?
  10. If you had a hidden power, what would you do to obtain it?

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Quiz topic: What Anime Character am I?