What animal are you most like?

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There are millions of animals around the world. But which animal are you? Animals should have more rights on our Earth but we took over. What would we do without them?

Whatanimal are you? There are only four outcomes but they are very different and can be drawn out into other animal. Let's see what animal you would be. Hope you like it.

Created by: halshorses28
  1. What game do you like to play?
  2. Are you...?
  3. What is your favorite color?
  4. Do you like people?
  5. What type of biome do you like?
  6. What is your favorite country?
  7. Where is your dream vacation?
  8. What kind of food do you eat?
  9. How do you eat your food?
  10. Favorite type of show?

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Quiz topic: What animal am I most like?