What animal are you: cat or dog? | Comments

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  • Siamese cat,I am very adventurous and fun I also like to be self reliant and stand up for myself and my beliefs to. I hate attention though. Cool quiz mate.

  • I got dog with Maine Coon a close second. The only thing about me that's NOT dog-like is that I tend to be shy. Which, some dogs actually are too.

  • Maine Coon:

    As a breed of cat, you do things on your own terms. You may be stubborn and don't like niose and commotion. You are quiet and sensitive. You are loyal and friendly towards your closest friends or family. You may seem mysterious to those who aren't close to you but those who you trust most know you to be affectionate, caring, and sweet. You are a Maine Coon cat; hear you mew.

    Cool, they're pretty cats although I like Huskies better.


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