What animal are you?

There are so many types of animals in the world,but wich one would I be? You wonder. So many questions! But animals are great things in this world and we wouldn't have life without them! So find out wich one you are!

Are you an animal? If so wich one? You can answer that simple question with this very simple quiz! All you need to do is choose the answer that suits you the most! And the bam! You know!

Created by: Lizzy
  1. Do you like to be in charge?
  2. Do you like to swim and do water activities?
  3. Do you like fruit or meat more?
  4. Do you enjoy things like monkey bars and jungle gyms?
  5. Would you do anything for your faimly?
  6. Wich game do you like doing the most?
  7. What is your favorite color?
  8. Wich food do you like the best?
  9. How are you liking the quiz?
  10. How would you describe yourself?

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Quiz topic: What animal am I?