Find Your Spirit Animal

Many people want to know what their "spirit animal" (gosh I hate that term). I have done my best to take six animals that I know of and formed a series of questions to see what yours is. Note this is just for fun.

What is your animal? If you would like to find out, take this quick quiz. It will help form a general understanding of what animal you most relate to spiritually.

Created by: Welshman
  1. What's is your favorite time of day?
  2. If your friend is over for a visit, what is the first thing you do.
  3. What is your favorite pastime?
  4. Favorite State
  5. What would you classify yourself as?
  6. A man drops 100 (enter your nations currency). What do you do?
  7. Where would you like to live?
  8. How would you describe your family?
  9. Devoted to love interest?
  10. What is your dream job?
  11. What did you think of this quiz?

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Quiz topic: Find my Spirit Animal