What 1984 character are you?

What character are you from 1984? What character are you from 1984? What character are you from 1984? What character are you from 1984? What character are you from 1984?

What character are you from 1984? What character are you from 1984? What character are you from 1984? What character are you from 1984? What character are you from 1984?

Created by: Noah Gee
  1. How do you feel about big government?
  2. President Obama comes out and says that we never had a war on Terrorism, but the Germans are now our enemy. How would you react to this statement?
  3. You find a rally that is affirming the idea that the government is good. What do you do?
  4. How would you react if you were interrogated?
  5. If you had the chance to get your own room where no one could see you, would you?
  6. Which personality do you identify with the most?
  7. When you are bored do you...?
  8. If you're having an affair, would you...
  9. You wake up in a cell. What do you do?
  10. "War is peace Freedom is slavery Ignorance is strength" How do you react to this?

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Quiz topic: What 1984 character am I?