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Posts tagged ‘lucene’


Configure Lucene IndexWriter and IndexSearcher in Spring applicationContext.xml

Problem: you want to define Lucene IndexWriter and IndexSearcher as beans inside your Spring application to be injected/autowired into other beans.

Solution: follow the following steps.

  • define the Lucene version as a constant
  • define a Lucene analyzer (StandardAnalyzer) as a bean
  • define a Lucene directory as a bean, using a factory-method for instantiation
  • define an IndexWriter, wiring in the Lucene directory and an IndexWriterConfig set to use your previously-defined analyzer
  • define an IndexSearcher, wiring in the Lucene directory
  • define also a query parser (StandardQueryParser), wiring in the analyzer bean

You can then wire/autowire these beans into your application beans, for example:
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