Warrrior cats love Story

Hello! I am new to the quiz comunity! My name is EmberEar! Deputy of ShadowClan! Welcome to my first quiz! You are a beautiful she-cat with a silver pelt and blue eyes. You are very attractive and many toms like you.

You must chose a mate by the end of this quiz. Your choices are: LionHawk : BurntClaw : CrowBreeze : StarShine : AntTail. I hope you enjoy! P.S: You Can pick your name!

Created by: EmberEar
  1. You wake up, looking around you see BurntClaw. He is staring at you with his dark amber eyes. You see your mother and sister next to you. You..
  2. Whatever you choose, you go hunting with BurntClaw. "Hey, I heard you guys are going hunting. Mind if I come to?" It was LionHawk. You and BurntClaw Stare. BurntClaw hisses under his breath and shakes his head. You..
  3. You nodded and LionHawk looks at you with joy in face. Your suddenly off to find yourself, BurntClaw and LionHawk off stalking some mice. LionHawk pounces and catches a mice in ease. "Great Job LionHawk!" You say. BurntClaw smirks and pounces on air. What he really pounces on is a plump mice. You..
  4. You caught a mouse! You perk your ears in glee and shake your silver pelt. You catch BurntClaw and LionHawk staring. Suddenly, a dog jumps out of the trees and attacks you! You start attacking while BurntClaw and LionHawk help. Suddenly, StarShine, CrowBreeze and AntTail pop out and attack the dog! The dog runs away and suddenly, you blackout.
  5. You wake up in the medicine den and look around. AmberFoot, the ThunderClan medicine cat, rapidly putting herbs on you. You shake. "Oh! Your awake ______!" AmberFoot says with relief once she notices that you have awoken. You see cats walking towards the meeting rock. You want to go. You..
  6. You decide to go see what the meeting was about. Instead of the lead sitting on the rock, you see Jagged Mist, the ThunderClan deputy sitting there. You sit next to..
  7. Whoever you sit next to, you listen to the deputy. "I have bad news.. RavenStar has joined StarClan.. I must step up as JaggedStar and apoint a new deputy" You dip your head in respect of the fallen leader. Who do you want to become deputy?
  8. "LionHawk, do you accept do be ThunderClans new deputy, and fight for your clan? Protect them even if it means death?" LionHawk nods happily and takes his place on the rock. "Good, Now, our new deputy will assign patrols." Lion Hawk steps up to the leader rock. "CrowBreeze, AdderPaw, RomeTail, HalfEar.. ___" You are assigned to hunting patrol. As soon as the meeting is dismissed, you run out the camp and go hunting. What do you want to hunt today?
  9. Suddenly, as you walk around, tracking a (whatever you chose), you see a TwoLeg. The Twoleg bent down and was about to grab you when..
  11. Ill make another, dont worry. In the meantime, did enjoy? This doesnt affect you results!
  12. Who do you want to get? This doesnt affect your results!

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