Warrior love story #2 *For she cats!*

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In this quiz your name will be Meadowpaw! You are a very attractive white she-cat with golden patches/stripes and one bent ear, you have amber eyes! ^^

Now for those toms chasing after you: Pinepaw, warrior apprentice, sweet and caring, Pinetail, Ashclan Flamepaw, warrior apprentice, brave and funny, Flamestripe, Barkclan Thornpaw, Med cat apprentice, awkward and straight-forward, Thornsmolder, Ashclan Goldenpaw, warrior apprentice, clever and confident, Goldenclaw, Ashclan

Created by: Streamtail
  1. The last thing you did was share a mouse with Goldenpaw, right?
  2. You smile at Goldenpaw before going to the apprentice den to get some rest. You do have a dawn patrol after all. In the morning Silverwing gently shakes you awake with a paw. "Time for the dawn patrol with Ivypaw (your sister), Feathergaze, and Goldenpaw."
  3. Your sister bounds over to you, a happy grin on her soft features. "I can't believe I get to go on a patrol with you and my crush!" She says, bouncing up and down with excitement.
  4. Ivypaw just smiles at you, apparently oblivious to your shock if you had any. Then Goldenpaw pads over, grinning at you, obviously brewing up a pick up line. "Well hello beautiful, what a pleasure to meet a princess such as yourself!" He gives you a cheesy smile and winks. Ivypaw looks at you two with jealousy glinting in her eyes, and before you can retort she interrupts. "Well I'm flattered, but I'd hardly call myself a princess! I think I'd like it more if you were my prince though..." She bats her eyelashes at Goldenpaw, attempting to cuddle up to him. He raises an eyebrow in reply, scooching a little closer to you.
  5. Ivypaw's eyes widen with hurt before she glares at you, but she stays silent as she trails behind the patrol with her seemingly endless enthusiasm gone. Goldenpaw gives you a look that clearly expresses his confusion. You try to explain your sister's crush but stop when she gives you another cold glare. But Goldenpaw seemed to get the message and sped up a bit. Feathergaze pads up to you, seeming to get ready to make an announcement. "Okay everyone, I want Goldenpaw to go with Ivypaw and Meadowpaw to come with me. Goldenpaw, take Ivypaw and go to the Moonclan border. Meadowpaw, you'll come with me to the Barkclan border." She says authoritatively, walking briskly in the direction of the Barkclan border. Goldenpaw stops a small groan as Ivypaw pads up to him with delight shining in her eyes.
  6. You stride next to Feathergaze, setting border marks as you go. Then you pick up a familiar scent, "Hey Feathergaze? You go on ahead, I have to make some dirt." Feathergaze nods to you, quickening her pace a bit to give you some privacy. You then see Flamepaw, "Flamepaw! What are you doing here?!" You whisper-yell, bounding over. Flamepaw brightens when he sees you, "I just couldn't wait till the gathering to see your beautiful face!" He stands up from his spot and gives you an affectionate lick, purring loudly. You...
  7. He looks into your eyes, love for you sparkling in them. "Hey guess what? I got my warrior name today! My name is now Flamestripe! You're close to your warrior ceremony too right?" He asks, pulling away slightly. "Ye-" You were about to answer with a yes when a scream interrupted you, it sounds like Ivypaw. Flamepaw looks up in alarm, ears perked. "What was that?" "Oh no, no no no! That sounded like Ivypaw!" You cry, dashing to where the source of the sound is with Flamestripe hot on your heels.
  8. When you get to the source of the sound you gasp as a terrifying sight comes into view. Ivypaw is on the ground, panting heavily as blood gushes out of a wound in her leg. Goldenpaw is busy fighting off three circling badgers, but he's wounded too with a huge gash along his side and a torn ear.
  9. Before you can do anything a badger sees you and changes its course, eyes gleaming menacingly. It growls, then in a flash you feel a searing pain in your side as claws dig into your flesh. You let out a loud scream before dropping to the ground, unmoving. Your last thoughts are:
  10. CLIFFHANGER!!! I know, I know, I'm evil. I try. >:)

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