Ashclan romance She-gurls only

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This quiz is about you and 4 cats padding after you and you padding after them, Sparrowfeather, the med-cat and your mentor and a sweet tom, Ashwing, a Loyal warrior a Rude tempored she-cat,Berry, a Rogue that lives at the two-leg barn and a neutral tempered tom, And Patches, a Shy and cute tom that lives with his two-legs at the edge of the forest his temper....shy and sweet ofc

This quiz if for she-cats only and the art is not mine! These cats though I hope I did not copy them from the book! I hope you will comment and like, if you see any bad grammar please tell me. ENJOY!

Created by: Ashstar
  1. You had just been given your Medicine cat name,Y/M/N(Your medicine name) and you were giving Blueflower poppy seeds because she just had another litter of kits, "Blueflower, this is your 8th litter, if you keep having them then you could die,"you mewed calmly but had edge in your voice showing her that you were serious "I know, but, Hawkstar-"she began, but was interrupted by Ashwing, her only daughter,"Mother! Hawkstar needs to speak with you!"Ashwing growled, "Can't you see I have kits! Tell him to come here!" Blueflower hissed,(Ashwing and Blueflower hate each other bc Ashwing should have died as a kit but survived and that makes Blueflower scared of what she could do)
  2. As Ashwing and Blueflower argued you bumped into Sparrowfeather, a handsome tom and also your mentor, "Y/M/N! I need you to go get Burdock root!" He mewed, you blushed as he rested his muzzle on your shoulder "Be careful..."he whispered
  3. As you were gathering Burdock root, a Tom, Pounced on you and bit down and your shoulder,before you could aim a blow he jumped off,"Watcha' doin' n' my territory?! Eh?!"he hissed, "I am just collecting burdock root for my clan,"you growled,'Hm, a she-kit? Mmm ,Berry 's sorry! I thought you were apart of the 'Rogue alliance'"he mewed,"Well get on with it, I will watch to make sure you do not take my kits"he hissed,"Your kits?"you asked, "yes my mate died giving birth so I care for 'em"he mewed, You both talked for awhile and then you left!
  4. As you were rushing back home you saw a kittypet running 'round the forest,"What's a kittypet like you doing 'round here?"you growled,"O-oh! H-hi m-my name is P-P-patches! And I was looking for my brother! He goes by the name Sparrow! But he calls himself Sparrowfeather!"Patches stuttered,"Oh I know him well my name is Y/M/N and I live with and I must ask you to leave and go back to your two-leg nest"you mewed"O-ok See ya 'round!"
  5. When you returned home you saw a cat lying on the dirt ground, he was trembling head-to-tail and you saw a huge long scar from his shoulder to the tip of his tail,"Whats going on?!"you hissed,"You need to heal this cat! Now!Sparrowfeather is not here rn!"Hawkstar yowled,you brought him into your den and realized....
  6. Cliffhanger!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!So I know this quiz was short but I really have some questions to ask!
  7. 1.Did you enjoy the quiz? This does not affect your results!
  8. 2. Will you like? This does not affect your results!
  9. 3.Will you Comment? This does not affect your results!
  10. 4.Will you read my other stories? This does not affect your results!
  11. 5.Will you come back for part two? This does not affect your results!

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