Warrior cats quiz thanks for trying

Warrior cats is a fun book series and Erin hunter has worked hard making them hopefully you enjoy this fun quiz telling what cat you will be please enjoy!

I really worked hard in this for your entertainment not for likes so just have fun it doesn’t matter to me if you hate it so thank you for looking at it !

Created by: Fun warrior cat
  1. What clan do you think is the absolute worst?
  2. What pelt do you have?
  3. What fresh kill do you like the most ?
  4. What role do you have?
  5. Witch clan do you love the most?
  6. What is your personality?
  7. What leader do you adore the most ?
  8. Are you male or female?
  9. Are you kind or rude?
  10. Do you like the quiz I like open opinions so you won’t hurt my feelings if you put I hated it I just want you guys to have fun honestly

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