Whats Your Warrior Cat name? (For girls only! Sorry!)

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This Quiz is about What your Warrior Name is! But sorry boys its only for girls! but If this Quiz goes well I'll make A Quiz only for boys!!! I Hope it goes well!

Erin Hunter Rules and so does Warrior Cats!!! If you don't think so too well then I've got no absolute Idea what you are doing here looking at this quiz! if you got no idea what Warrior Cats is its a GREAT book you should defiantly read it! (start at Dawn of the Clans!) Enjoy!

Created by: Erin Hunter Rules!
  1. Pick your fave color?
  2. Wats your Fave animal out of these?
  3. Whats your fave food
  4. Whats your Fave Vacation?
  5. Whats your fave flower?
  6. Do you Believe In Santa?
  7. Would you take a mate?
  8. If you did take a mate would you have Kits
  9. If a Rouge was on your territory what would you do?
  10. Would you want to be leader?

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Quiz topic: Whats my Warrior Cat name? (For girls only! Sorry!)
