Warrior cats love test who is your mate?

This is a simple quiz just answer these questions by clicking any of the answers. I hope you are happy with your result if not please check out more of my warrior cat quizzes to give you a definite score.

Good luck on the quiz and choose carefully because if you choose wrongly you could be at a life or death situation in this quiz remember to enjoy yourselves!

Created by: Wilamyna
  1. Honeypaw (you) Stonypaw,Whitepaw,Rabbitpaw and Rockpaw are all becoming warriors who do you congratulate first?
  2. Stonystem,Whiteclaw,Rabbittail and Rockfur all want to share fresh kill with you who do you pick?
  3. Do you prefer gentle,ambitios,groovy or careful?
  4. You are out hunting with Mallowtuft,Whiteclaw and Rockfur they all ask you to go out hunting alone with one of them who do you chose?
  5. You have to choose either Rabbittail,Whiteclaw,Stonystem or Rockfur to go join the ranks of star clan who will you leave forever?
  6. You and Rabbittail are walking alone in the forest and he brushes his pelt against yours and licks your ear fondly how do you react?
  7. Which one is dead?
  8. The three who are alive are all about to fall of a cliff you can save One who?
  9. The ones you did not save of the cliff are still alive but are really mad at you what do you do?
  10. Who did you save?

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Quiz topic: Warrior cats love test who is my mate?
