Warrior cats love story she-cats only

This is based off of the warrior cat series by the Erin hunter's but these are character name and colors i thought of and i'm sorry if my quiz sucks its my first time so please don't be to harsh.

If your a boy playing this despite the title i'm sorry just pretend your a girl sorry, but i'ma go watch sharks you can to but uh bye and uh enjoy the quiz.

Created by: Firestream
  1. Hiya! This is my first quiz so please don't judge harshly!And this is not for young readers!
  2. Your an apprentice named Lavender'paw your slightly younger than Shallow'paw, Mud;paw and Tadpole'paw your sisters name is Lily'paw now time for the story! Your awakened by your sister lily'paw "Wake up Lavender'paw..." she mewed almost silently but shook you hard Tadpole look like he was about to burst with laughter mud'paw just sat silently and shallow'paw stared at you eyes narrowed you:
  3. Shallowpaw gets up and walks past you his tail brushing your flank you blink a lot and get up then pad away but you think silently still in shock:
  4. You wake up the next morning to an arguement, you decide to eavesdrop just in case if something were to happen you hear Shallow and Tadpole's voices "You will get nowhere near Lily'paw!" you hear Shallow say furious but quiet "Why, who's going to stop me?!" Tadpole growled "Me!" shallow hissed "How abou we make a bet, I bet i could win her heart first if i do i get to be her mate!" Tadpole declared "And if i get her heart first I get to be her mate!" Said Shallow "Deal!" Growled Tadpole. You:
  5. two moons later you were out patrolling when you here yowls from camp you knew there was a fight...You knew your clan was losing, you and Snow'lily, Rush'heart, Flower'fall and Falling'feather race towards camp, being the youngest you fell behind but your determination pushed you on as you raced through the forest towards camp jumping logs, dodging boulders, your paws hurt but you pushed on heart pounding, you pushed ahead of the warriors dashing into camp snarling, you see mud'paw in a neck hold, Shallow'paw pinned tadpole'paw being slammed into a rock when suddenly a large black she-cat you instantly recognize is in front of you it was Dark'heart the meadow clan deputy and two apprentices that still has kit fluff beside her a few moments later you were on the ground you felt your self being lifted in the air a pain in your leg then heard a terrible crack like when you bit your prey's spine and it broke with ease you felt some of the pressure release and you flew through the air, your vision blurred to black..You could only hear now and you heard Dark yowl in pain you felt your self being lifted up then everything grew silent...
  6. You've woken up and its been two moons since your leg mended, you here Glow'star "CLAN MEETING!!!!!!!!!" you still had a slight limp and you padded towards the blue rock "Today Five cats will become warriors, Shallow'paw please step forwards blah blah blah blah blah your warrior name will be Shallow'tail." He looked up pride shining in his eyes "Mud'paw please step forwards blah blah blah Your now Mud'flight." Mud'flight closed his eyes "Tadpole please step up blah blah blah blah blah You shall be known as Tadpole'fern." he dipped his head "Lily'paw please step towards be blah blah blah you will be know as Lily'wing." she nodded "And finale we have young lavender paw, she has studied the warrior code and i command her to a warrior in your turn star clan from this day on she will be lavender'feather." Who do you say congrats to?
  7. After a moon of being a warrior your assigned hunting patrol with a cat call snake'shade, you here hes a rule breaker and a bully but you go with him anyways once your by the river he whips around and licks your cheek "You know your kind and kinda hot Lavender'feather." he mewed and licked you again but it was harder and it stung he tried to do it again.
  8. He growls and narrows his eyes "What you afraid i'd harm you, its just a lick just one lick" He took a step closer but you push him away and say "I need to get back to hunting!" (Only if you didn't select Stayed or purr if you selected one of these select i didn't do this)
  9. (If you stayed) "Why so quiet, don't you care...I guess not, I guess its okay if we hunt more often together and if i groom your fur, there are a few leaves and twigs in your long pretty pelt..." the large tom circled around you licking your pelt and cleaning it, his licks getting rougher through out the whole thing but never drawing blood, you shivered when he finished he circled around you then left to go hunting.
  10. (If you purred) "Oh so YOU like it? I guess i could do more..." He smirked and her worked his tongue down your pelt getting rougher and rougher he bit both of your ears almost drawing good normally if it were anybody else you'd be enraged but this felt strangely good her kept grooming your pelt even when it was clean and then he suddenly stopped and *Somethings happened*
  11. Sorry but thats the end

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