Warrior Cats Love Story~Part 4 [She-Cats Only!]

Here's number four. I guess i'm just in a quizzy mood today! So peeps, I know my user name is Jayfeather~ 13 but I may change it to AriKitWarrior. I'm just diggin' that name. SO I'M THE SAME PERSON!!!

This new quiz is exciting... Watch out for more bad stuff. There will be near deaths, forbidden loves, heart-ache and a mysterious dissapearance... MWAHAHAHAHAHA!!!

Created by: Jayfeather~13
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. So you got back to camp with Toby. He's going to join your clan if you can get his collar off. Then you found out that Wolfstripe's patrol was being attacked by dogs...............and Mosstail is on the patrol!
  2. Flameclaw jumps to his paws. "Jayfoot, (Your cat's name)! Come with me!" You race away with the toms until you reach a clearing. Barking ring through the trees. You hear cat screeches and thuds. You burst forward and stop dead in your tracks. Two large brown-and-black dogs were attacking two patrols of your clan. You fight like crazy. What move do you use?
  3. Once you send the dogs whimpering back to their two legs you gaze around the clearing. Injured cat lay exhausted, but alive. You turn and gasp when you see a familiar shape huddled at the edge of the trees. You go towards it. The world seems to fall beneath you when you recognize the gray pelt of Wolfstripe! What do you do?
  4. After doing what you did,you feels a horrible pain in your shoulder. You turn to see that you were bleeding for a deep ragged scratch. Jayfoot came forward and let you lean on him. (Btw, a couple of clanmates are helping Wolfstripe) Everybody goes back to camp.
  5. As you go into camp the medicine cat Emeraldwing helps all the wounded cats. You sigh as Emeraldwing's apprentice, Flowerpaw, applies herbs to your shoulder. Emeraldwing announces that Wolfstripe is alive!
  6. Mosstail walks up to you. He only had a few cuts, nothing serious. "Hey (Your cat's name)! I'm glad your okay!" Mosstail licks you on the cheek then begins to groom your fur. You notice Toby crouched at the edge of the clearing, casting Mosstail sharp glares.
  7. Mosstail walks up to you. He only had a few cuts, nothing serious. "Hey (Your cat's name)! I'm glad your okay!" Mosstail licks you on the cheek then begins to groom your fur. You notice Toby crouched at the edge of the clearing, casting Mosstail sharp glares.
  8. Moons pass... everyone gets better! :3 and everyone lives happily ever after. THE END! OMG i am so kidding! there's more!
  9. *THIS PART IS BASED OFF OF EMMA LAWL'S QUIZ!!!* One morning you wake up. The sky is bright blue, the birds are singing. It seems like a perfect day. Jayfoot walks up to you. He looks embarrassed, "Hey (Your cat's name) can I ,um, have some dating advice? There's this cat I like..." You are thinking it's you. Jayfoot continues, "I think Shimmerfrost is really nice, and I thought you could help me get to know her." You can't believe it! Without answering, you coldly walk away.
  10. A couple of night's later you go to the gathering. Once you arive, you see that IceClan was already there. While waiting for the other clans you exchange news. You see a hansom ginger tom with blue eyes and go talk to him. "My name is Jaggedsky," he meowed. You two talk and get along, and before you know it the gathering was over!
  11. For the next few day images of Jaggedsky were constantly in your head. Redstar announced Toby as part of the clan cause' he had managed to get his collar off. His warrior name was Stonestream.
  12. You and Stonestream were sharing a starling together when you spotted a group of cats a short distance away. You walk over there and try to see what happening. Flameclaw comes to the front. Redstar rushes forward, "Flameclaw! What's happened?!" Flameclaw's eyes were troubled, "Mosstail is missing! He's been gone since last night!"

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