Warrior cat prophecy quiz!

HEY! I know your reading this! Do you like your warrior cats? Well, how about those prophecy's? Whats up with that? Furry voles, a fallen tree, a shooting star!? Come into my quiz and we'll test your prophecy/omen skills here!

Warrior cats is a series of books written by Erin Hunter. There are several books in the series, most of them featuring prophecy's and omens. I'd bet a mouse-tail that if a warrior cat lover did this quiz, they'd get 100 percent!

Created by: Dewpelt

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. "Fire alone will ____ the Clan"
  2. "Beware an enemy who seems to _____"
  3. "There will be three, __________, who hold the power of the stars in their paws"
  4. Who gave the first prophecy to who?
  5. Which cat gave Fireheart the second prophecy?
  6. Who are the three in the third prophecy, given to Firestar by Stoneteller?
  7. "You are fire, and you will blaze through the _______"
  8. Who gave that last prophecy to whom?
  9. What prophecy did Leafstar receive during "SkyClans destiny?"
  10. In "Firestars quest", What omen made Firestar chose Leafdapple as SkyClan leader?

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