Wanna know Who You Are???

I know what you're thinking. I already know who I am. Well, I'm here to say no you don't. if you didn't get what you thought you would you don't know who you are. if you did, then congratulations, you out smarted me.

What are you. Are you a jock, a geek, a goth, a bad boy, or just a normal kid trying to live life. If you think you know take the quiz and see if your right. If you don't know take the quiz. It's not good to not know who you are is it?

Created by: Malesha of www.malesha-griffin.piczo.com
(your link here more info)
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. What do you do after school?
  2. How many friends do you have??
  3. What is your favorite color??
  4. What type of music do you listen to?
  5. What type of extra curricular would you be in??
  6. What do you think you will get??
  7. What do you think of your parents??
  8. Why did you do this quiz??
  9. Have you heard the emo song??if so what did you think??
  10. Am I annoying you??

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