Villa Marin Fan Test

There are plaenty of Villa Marin fans out there but plenty of them dont even show up to the game and those that do sometimes dont even pay attention to what is going on. So this test will see how well you know us.

How big of a Villa Marin Softball fan are you?? take this test and find out suckerss. if you do good well then good job and if not well then bad job. and if your reading this you are retardid.

Created by: T.J.
  1. What is the starting infield for Villa Marin's starting lineup?
  2. Before each game which Villa Marin player reads out the starting lineup for the upcoming game?
  3. Which Villa Marin Player wears striped baseball pants to every game?
  4. What letter(s) is on T.J.'s hat?
  5. What was the reason for Pat getting thrwon out of one of last years games?
  6. Which Villa Marin player is most known for wearing extremely short or maybe even no socks at all while playing the game?
  7. What number does the teams SS Drew wear?
  8. What is Shorty's First and last name?
  9. Who is the oldest player on the team's roster?
  10. What Villa Marin "fan" has never been to a Villa Marin game this year?
  11. Who was the team's first batter of this year's season?
  12. Which of the following players does not wear underarmor while playing his games?
  13. What was 1B Tommy Slyman's job title?

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