vampire desire part 2 (love story)

Hey people of vampire planet, part 2 is out, told you i wouldn't waste time. I have added a new person his name is alex, he is pretty hot but there is no chance that you may get him and if you do then you truley are like me and thanks to celloplayer, who looks like me thanks and just to clarify that you may be my twin how long is your hair, mine is up to the small of my back and it is a honey blonde and my eyes are baby blue and i'm 13, almost 14 and you? tell me in the comments. And if that is what you look likethen that is dead creepy.

So people this quiz is a vampire one, i mean some people make boring love stories and if anyone knows any good ones like the supernatural natural series please inform me in the comment,remember more comments and rates, then more quizzes and please tell me what chapter should i stop at? and my quizzes are short because i want it to be long series for but relax and enjoy!!!

Created by: XxLostEmoxX

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. Just a recap: you met a boy in the garden. "Hi scared me!" you say still afraid, you scence that he is also a 'leech'. "sorry, what is your name?" he asks shyly. "Jecrina." you reply shyly. The bell then rings, you quickly ask him his name 'which is christopher, chris for short' then you run off to your next class which is...ALEGEBRA, your worst subject ever! you wera not gooud at algebra either!
  2. When you enter, you are late and the teacher is there. "well, well, well!!!" she says in a sharp voice. You notice how unattractive she is : Brown hair in a boy cut, dark brown peircing eyes, wrinkle and bags under her eyes. You blush and your jade green eyes flicker toward her desk and you notice that her name is 'Miss Jabberwalkie'? "um...miss j-j-jaberwalky" you stutter. "Sorry i'm late i had alien attacked me." you lie knowing it was a stupid and lame excuse. You hear the whole class laughing and yor pink cheeks go even pinker. "And you expect me to believe that?" she said in amean tone. "Well, I was kind of hoping, so yes." you answer hoping she would by it. "Miss Wither, i know you are new so i will let you out softly but let this rubish happen again you will be in detention, scrubbing my feet!" she shrieks, you look down at her sandaled feet, were those even toe nails?
  3. "Yes ma'am." you say. "Now i want you to go sit over ther with Andreas." she says with a wicked smile. You walk to a desk and see a boy he has: black hair with blonde and brown highlights, he is wearin an orange shir that reads 'DOA' he is pale and this boy looks distant and his eyes are big and brown. "Hey." you say politely, he just ignores you and carries on scribbling on his pad. "um..I said hi." you say louder, you decide to leave him alone. The bell rings then its lunch time. You have no friends and you dont know who to sit with.
  4. "JECRINA!" you hear a spin around only to find blake. "hey 'sup?" you ask, "nothing much, got detention after school" he says carelessley. "oh..." you say suprised. "its no biggie, wanna have lunch with me?" he asks with his famous smile. "Yeah, okay?" you say awkwardly.You two walk silently into the cafeteria and wait in line for your lunch. Finally its your turn, what do you get?
  5. What ever yopu chose you spontaneosly follow Drake to a table. Then you notice Tresten, christopher and....the guy from algebra. "Hi Jecrina!!!" they all bellow at you at once exept for the guy from algebra. "You know them?" asks Drake suprised. "um, yeah, exept for him" you say pointing at the algebra guy. "oh he is Alexius and he is..." he say but is interupted by you. "A vampire like you guys." you say smiling, but not realising your big misktake. You stop smiling whaen you see the color (if they had any) drain from thier faces. You now realise what you have done!!! "" Drake says and then evaery thing goes BLACK!!!
  6. Its been 13 days scince you fainted. You wake up in a white room, everythin is white from the flowers to ths T.V. You think it is a dream, so you stand up and look around, you see a mirror and look at yourself and you are wearing white too.
  7. Then all the guys enter through the door. "Hi" says Chris. "what is going on you pigs, how could you make me faint!!!" you bellow, your eyes emerald green in anger. "Well we figured if you knew our kind, you were...the one." says Alex speaking for the first time, you like his voice, it sound like a spanish guitar considering the fact that he is spanish. "So what?, just because i know you are vampires doesn't...wait the one?" you ask feeling the anger fading away, in it's place confusion. "Yes Jecrina you are special, you have, a gift." Tresten says. "A gift?" you ask confused. "Jecrina, scince you were young you could scense mythical creatures right? asks Drake falshing his dreamy smile. "yes i could, you caught me, i am a mediator." you reply in a sigh. "Well we are going to have to kill you Jecrina, Azulia, the queen of all mythical creatures has instructed us to...kill all mediators." says Chris in a sharp voice.
  8. "NO!!!" you shriek feeling the tears well up in your eyes, how could this happen, it wasnt your fault you were what you were. "Blake, alex, chris, tresten you cant do this to me, i wont do anything to harm you, I have been trying to stop it but i cant!!!" you yell now in tears.
  9. "NO!!!" you shriek feeling the tears well up in your eyes, how could this happen, it wasnt your fault you were what you were. "Blake, alex, chris, tresten you cant do this to me, i wont do anything to harm you, I have been trying to stop it but i cant!!!" you yell now in tears.
  10. "NO!!!" you shriek feeling the tears well up in your eyes, how could this happen, it wasnt your fault you were what you were. "Blake, alex, chris, tresten you cant do this to me, i wont do anything to harm you, I have been trying to stop it but i cant!!!" you yell now in tears.
  11. "NO!!!" you shriek feeling the tears well up in your eyes, how could this happen, it wasnt your fault you were what you were. "Blake, alex, chris, tresten you cant do this to me, i wont do anything to harm you, I have been trying to stop it but i cant!!!" you yell now in tears.
  12. Sowi, i was told to make the quiz lonfer but...i wann start part 3 now.
  13. who do you like?
  14. who do you like?
  15. again?
  16. again?
  17. one more time.

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