Unforgotten Secrets Part 4 | Comments

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  • xxblutixx said EVERYTHING i was thinking literally XP


    But really though, this is all coming together so well! At first I didn't think this story would work out tbh because Comet's writing isn't as serious and is more on the humorous side and is kinda like a light read, i think and then dannica's writing is more heavy and dramatic and like, serious, so when i read the first part i was kinda really hesitant about it, but now it has worked out really well! Dannica you're detail in everything is so perfect ahhh and Comet, your characters are better than ever :-)

  • Love it!! LOVE IT!!! I can't wait for the next part, your so amazing. I need the next part soon! :)

  • *facepalms* Jayden went out to find Aaron after he ate his hyper concoction? *tries really hard not the freak out over Alex* but the caramel apples and hot cocoa make it so hard D: *sigh* why does it feel like Alex and I are married, and he's that work-obessed one? *facepalms* Omar, wow good job blurting everything out... and I'm not liking Klaus very much. :O Sarah... Ohhhh I feel the merging of the stories is coming up and I can't waitttt


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