Ultimate Percy Jackson quiz.

Hello. Are you ready for my quiz? Do you know allot about Percy Jackson series's both of them? If you do, this is a quiz for you. I hope you have fun, because this is my first quiz. If you like it, please coment that you did. And also, rate. Also, if it is no problem, please share it on facebook, twitter, and tumblr. You do not have to do all of them, just one or two. I can't, because i'm blind.

I don't no if my quiz is hard but I think it is. I know at least some questions are hard. So, take this quiz to find out if you can ace it. I wish the best uf luck. And remember, you may always check the books. Oh, and if you hate it, please coment this. Rate that you you hate it too. Remember, do not stress, just have fun. It's only a quiz, after all.

Created by: Jellycupcake
  1. What is the goddess of the river Tiber's name?
  2. How do you pron|nce Thalia's name?
  3. What is Luke's last name?
  4. What is the roman version of Heckettae?
  5. What were the monsters that gave curses to Annabeth and percy in Tartarus
  6. What is the sign of Aphrodite?
  7. What is the name of Piper's dagger?
  8. What is Hazel's sword called?
  9. What are the names of Reyna's dogs?
  10. What did Frank turn into when him and Percy were stuck in the tank?

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