Ultimate Beliebers

There are Many beliebers, but very few hardcore ones . So ARE YOU A HARDCORE BELIEBER ? If so then take this quiz and if you don't know the answer then go with your gut and BELIEVE in yourself.

Do you know the facts ? are you up to date with the 411 ? Well then take this quiz . obviously its about the most amazing guy on earth, yup that's right . he;s name is Justin Drew Bieber.

Created by: Aneeqah
  1. what time was Justin born ?
  2. what day was Justin born ?
  3. During who's concert did Justin break his leg?
  4. what was the weather when Justin was born ?
  5. what was Justin's very first tattoo on he's right arm ?
  6. which two music videos was Jasmine Villegas with Justin in ? (she wasn't the lead in one, just a quick picture of her)
  7. what was the name of Justin's album when all of he's songs were about Selena Gomez
  8. what was the last song of Music Mondays that was released ?
  9. what was the name of Justin's doctor when he was born ?
  10. What hospital was Justin born at ?
  11. what floor was Justin born on ?
  12. the line "this one's dedicated to the girl out there" belongs to which song ?
  13. what is Justin's mother and father's name ?

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