Twilight Mege Quiz The Third Edition

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There are thousands of twi-hards in the world, but very few make genius status. You might ask, what is a Twi-hard? A twi-hard is someone who eats, sleeps, and breaths all twilight things.

Are you a true Twilight Fan, A die-hard twi-hard. Take this quiz and find out. In just a few short minutes you can find out. Be sure to check out all the Mege Twilight quiz installments.

  1. What is Waylon's last name?
  2. The first thing that Billy Black saids to Bella is that he's still what?
  3. Who refers to Bella as a "shiny new toy"?
  4. After biology class, Bella asks Edward if he got what?
  5. During the baseball game, which to Cullens are not wearing baseball caps?
  6. On her first day of school, who kisses Bella on her cheek?
  7. What is Tyler's last name?
  8. Bella tells Edward that sometimes he speaks like what?
  9. What is Charlie cleaning when Bella tells him she has a date with Edward?
  10. Which of the following does Bella jokingly say she did not expect when walking into the Cullen's house?

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