Try not to pee quiz difficulty hard

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Welcome to the try not to pee quiz hard edition this is for both boys and girls enjoy please post comments about how you did if you want to add me or do this challange with me my discord is crim#8538

Also if you have a pee fetish like me go ahead and pee I don’t really care I know some of you guys like to fail on purpose because I have don’t it myself before (;

Created by: Katypeepants
  1. How bad do you need to pee?
  2. First challange
  3. How did the last question make you feel after coming back
  4. Now for a challange do 20 jumping jacks and then drink a cup of water then wait 5 minutes
  5. Now press on your bladder every 10 seconds for 5 minutes then drink another Half cup of water
  6. Now go to the bathroom and sit on the toilet fully clothed for 10 minutes (if this is easy press your bladder for an extra challange)
  7. Now without holding yourself at all do 20 squats and if you can’t do 20 do 5 and sit in the toilet for another 5 minutes fully clothed pressing your bladder
  8. Now start running in place no holding after wards or crossing legs
  9. Now lay on your stomachs on the bathroom floor and don’t hold your bladder for 5 minutes
  10. Only 3 more left hang in there or don’t if you want to just pee yourself press your bladder for 3 minutes and then drink 2 cups of water
  11. 2 more so close now I want you to get down on your knees and let go of your bladder and release a stream for 10 seconds
  12. Last one! Now go outside and run the block even if your wet and if you are to embarrassed or don’t want to sit on the floor spread your legs and pee completely
  13. You mad it how do you feel
  14. Now for the punishment for the people that completly peed
  15. For the people that didn’t pee there selves and want to

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