To Aria From Us All | Comments

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  • @Aria: Really!? See, now that's the wonderful news we've all been waiting for! ARIA IS GONNA MAKE IT! The whole world should be singing and dancing with happiness right now.

  • Hi, this is Aria's mum. I am grateful for the quizzes. Aria is in a coma right now but she's getting blood. She's gonna make it =D

  • Aria, just so you know I just found out about this. I'm deeply hurt that this happened to you. Not sad, not angry, hurt... you are such a sweet and caring person. I hope God watches over you and gives you strength through this. Even if you're not really religious, just know that lots of people are worried sick about you. In fact, I don't really know how people couldn't be worried about you. You're an amazing person. I know that you'll get through this, and that whatever happens... just know that you've ingnited hope for a lot of people, even people who don't know you that well. Technically you're a luminescent legend (which means the light of happy times) I will pray for you, and I know help will come in one form or another. I may be critical and straightforward, but I believe in happy endings. Aria, I'm absolutely certain you deserve a happy ending... hope you get better.

    Missy Prissy Cat
  • I don't know Aria, but WHEN she gets better, I have definitely got to talk to her. I hope you get better fast Aria :)

  • Though i don't know her like i don't know you Jamie but i am praying for her since i heard this morning from friends. Aria wish you get better and stronger, you will prevail and when you leave that hospital, you'll not go back

  • Aria, just get better. The minute you are back with us, making our days brighter, our smiles bigger, everything will be fine again. Until then, you will constantly be in our prayers, in our every waking thought. I miss you. Get better soon! Love, Callie.


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