Three Branches of Government

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This quiz is excellent to test young kids on the branches of government. They can watch videos and then answer simple questions about our government. This can be a introduction to deeper learning.

They can watch videos and then answer simple questions about our government. This can be a introduction to deeper learning. This small test is perfect for young readers!

Created by: Erik of Wix
(your link here more info)
  1. How many branches are there?
  2. Who is our President?
  3. How old do you have to be President?
  4. How many years can a president serve in TOTAL?
  5. Where does the president live?
  6. What does the Judicial Branch do?
  7. How many district courts are there?
  8. What is the highest court?
  9. What does the Legislative Branch do?
  10. What are the two parts of the Legislative Branch?
  11. What is the form used to see how many people live in each state?
  12. When did the first congress meet?
  13. A bill CAN become a ____.
  14. What article started the branches?

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