What is your girl type?

There are many different types of girls in the world. Each and every one of you are completely different in your own special way. Girl is just the main category. There are plenty of branches branching from the main word- girl.

In every branch, more branches branch of, and more and more and more. At the very last branch on one part of the tree, is your name. Which part of the tree does your name branch of of? There are four main branches- Tomboy, Girly Girl, Artsy, and Gothic. Which one do you belong in?

Created by: Mallorie
  1. What clothes do you normally wear?
  2. What kind of makeup do you normally wear?
  3. What do you like to do in your free time?
  4. How do you wear your hair to school?
  5. Do you believe in fairies?
  6. What is the ideal subject for your perfect book?
  7. What is your favorite genre?
  8. If you were at the mall, what would you most likely be buying?
  9. If you could go anywhere in the world at this moment, what would it be?
  10. Which of these best describes you?

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Quiz topic: What is my girl type?