This is to Milkyy

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Ok, look Milkyy, if you are taking this quiz, I want you to know that I'm not trying to throw you hate, I want you to realize what you did to me cause it was really mean.

Please, don't report me i'm not trying to throw hate, ok? Please Milkyy, i'm being patient and nice to you, I know in Quotev I haven't been nice to you, it's because I was eally mad.

Created by: LiaTheBearOwO
  1. Ok, so...Look Milkyy, what you did wasn't nice
  2. Why the f did you call me a psychopath? It isn't an insult but it's an offensive word.
  3. Im really mad at you, but not only by that, because you were mean to me AND to Cinna!
  4. I know I wasn't nice to you in Quotev, I was just really angry
  5. Do you even know how offensive is to call someone a psychopath? And i'm an HSP (Highly Sensitive Person) so it hurted me really much >:(
  6. And you didn't even apologize!
  7. Even if you apologized, I don't think I'll forgive you
  8. Just, PLEASE, realize what you did
  9. No one would like to be called a psychopath
  10. (If you haven't read that info paragraphs, read it please!)

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