How orderly are you?

This quiz was made to see how culturally similar you are and how orderly you are. Chances are the people taking this will not read this paragraph, or the next. Too bad for them.

Almost all of the results will insult someone. Each one is tailored so that the likely person who got them will be pleased and have plenty to use to insult the other side of the spectrum.

Created by: Agar Man
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Do you torrent videos or watch them on video sharing sites?
  2. Do you follow laws that are small or insignificant?
  3. Do you obey your superiors?
  4. Are you a follower?
  5. Do you follow the trends of the time?
  6. Do you conform to the common standard?
  7. Do you conform to what is standard for people who do the activities you enjoy? (i.e. if you listen to emo, do you wear all black.)
  8. Do follow advice on packaging?
  9. Do you like the way the government acts?
  10. Do you prefer modern culture over subcultures?

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Quiz topic: How orderly am I?