Chaos Wrath12345

A lot of people wish they had powers with this test you will see what power under the following criteria you will have this is for fun so do it sooooooo bye

Ok I was just kidding but are you chaotic dark orderly or light jhgdyfdydydfdyfydjdjtyfdjfydfydjyfdjgfdjgfdjgfdyfdjyfdjfgdjgdgfkhcjfhcjhcjgfccjvbcjvjxvbxvbcxvnnxvcshfgj

Created by: asdfg

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Ok this color thing is actually pretty important if u want a cool power
  2. Ok what kind of personality is close or is your's
  3. Which weapon
  4. What item
  5. Ok I feel like I'm saying ok a lot well I mean I don't know how to address myon guys but enough what PLANT
  6. Favorite animal part 1 FYI a lot of parts
  7. Favorite animal part 2
  8. Favorite animal part 3
  9. Finally favorite animal part 4
  10. Ok if some one started messing with your friend with your power what would you do?

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