The "Would you rather?" Game

Created by: ICEE CHILL
  1. Would you rather have to drink a whole case of beer or drink two big full cups of black coffee without any sugar?
  2. Would you rather never be able to watch television again or be able to, but only be able to watch Barney?
  3. Would you rather have to die all your hair neon blue or shave all your hair off?
  4. Would you rather have to wear a helmet everywhere you go or a clown nose with huge shoes only in public?
  5. Would you rather eat 2 live slugs or 10 live tree spiders?
  6. Would you rather never be able to eat chocolate again or only be able to eat it whenever you find it in the trash?
  7. Would you rather have to watch nothing but Barney or the movie Birdemic?
  8. Would you rather be a girl with a boy's name or a boy with a girl's name?
  9. Would you rather never be able to drive a car or only be able to drive one if your destination is near by?
  10. Would you rather die or have your best friend die?

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