The Unforgiven and Unforgotten part 16

Hello people and I grant you another part of my series. I was thinking I might make this into a trilogy. If I do the names will be of course The Unforgiven and Unforgotten, More That Meets The Eye, and Life and Love is a Warzone. To tell you guys I saw The Hunger Games movie on friday and it was Awesome!!! They actually stood to the book and everything was just great. Okay now the winner for the contest is...........................................Jayla!! Congratulations Jayla and I need you to give me a description, name, 3 powers, and if you want a pet/protector for your character in this quiz in the comments. Thank you guys for entering the contest!

Shane has light brown hair, emerald green eyes, pale skin, lean muscles, and a to die for smile. He's also a Vampire. Drake is the antisocial and mysterious type with his dark brown hair with natural blonde highlights, icy blue eyes, tan skin, two military dog tags around his neck, sexy body and sexy deep voice, and hot muscles. He's also a Werewolf. Omar is the funny yet smart one with his dirty blonde hair, bright amber eyes,and perfect muscles. He's an Immortal with powers. Aaron is sort of the leader type with his coal black hair, gorgeous golden eyes, fit body, lean muscles, and adorable dimples. He's also a Fallen Angel. Jayden is the trouble maker with his dark brown hair and red highlights at the tip, light purple eyes, lean muscles and body. He's a Werewolf/Vampire hybrid.

Created by: Cometlight

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. I was able to hear the voices of the guys but they soon faded as I drifted off to sleep. I opened my eyes and looked to see that I was surrounded by darkness. "Just remember what Delgado taught you." I muttered to myself and took a deep breath, pretty soon everything around me started swirling and twirling. I was starting to get dizzy and my vision was out of focus. I closed my eyes and placed my head in my hands to try and make it stop, the dizziness was gone now and I opened my eyes. I was back at the meadow that Delgado brought me to last night when he was training me. Everything was the same, nothing had changed at all. I sat down on the grass and crossed my legs. Everything was peaceful and soothing with the birds singing and the stream water trickling through the rocks to continue on moving. I focused on my breathing and tried to match it with everything around me, trying to get into rhythm with nature. I closed my eyes and cleared my mind of my problems and bidding. I was now able to hear the heartbeat of the earth beneath me, the whispers of the wind, the secrets the water carries, and the calls of the animals. I opened my eyes and exhaled deeply. "I need answers yet I don't know for what questions. I've come to ask you for your help and for any secrets that I have not been told." I said out loud and waited calmly for a response. The wind then started to pick up and blew the trees gently and gracefully. ~The answers you want have wait to be told but we can help you to proceed and achieve your destiny~
  2. I listened carefully and nodded, I was glad that nature actually accepted me to connect one with it and even more that the wind is whispering to me right now. "Okay I'm listening." ~Your eyes just as the animals have told us they have changed colors and now have a pattern within them. That has never happened before, there is something special about you yet we don't have answers for that. We can tell you but we aren't allowed to, the water holds many secrets for a reason, us we just whisper what we have been told.~ I sighed softly wishing that they can tell me more but you never want to upset nature. "I'm special yeah I've been told that before but what is there that I don't know" ~Patience is the key just wait and all will be revealed. You hold more power then you are aware of we also know that the Hellhound has given you your mother's ankle bracelet already~ I raised an eyebrow and my gaze fell towards my ankle bracelet. The crystals flicked with light and swayed back and fro. I touched the golden heart locket and held my breath. "This was my mother's?" I asked softly. ~Indeed it was __________ your mother was very powerful as well as beautiful. She was a fallen angel/vampire while your father, Klaus was a skinwalker. Their parents did everything they could to keep them apart but love has a way of reaching one another. Since they were both from different sides they joined the Ortu Cinis and later on became the God and Goddess of the Ortu Cinis.~ I looked down at the ground as I processed all of this in my brain. My father was a Skinwalker and my mother was a Fallen Angel/Vampire, but there was still one question that remained unanswered. "How were my parents murdered? I thought that they were immortal how is it that they could have possibly died?" I asked. ~We are not allowed to speak of this but since you insist. Klaus and Crescita were summoned to a meeting at Sorrow's Divide, a plateau were the borders end that separate the Ortu Cinis, the Gli Illuminati, and the Quelli Senz'anima. Apparently there was no meeting and the guards that were protecting your parents were instantly killed the minute they stepped foot on the plateau. Many supernatual beings from both the Quelli Senz'anima and the Gli Illuminati surrounded Crescita and Klaus. Crescita being half vampire was bit by a werewolf and was stabbed in the heart with a stake which instantly lead to her death and Klaus was more difficult with him being a Skinwalker. They strapped him down and showed him a silver bullet with white ash sprinkled on the tip. Silver bullets were long destroyed so no one knows how they were able to get one. They shot the bullet in his neck and he died instantly.~ Tears fell from my eyes and onto the grass below me. How could the Gli Illuminati and Quelli Senz'anima betray the Ortu Cinis?
  3. They all lived along side with each other yet two sides both killed one side together, and now those two sides are at war with each other? Seriously what is going on here? "She has heard enough already and you knew well enough that it is against the Supernatural Society to speak of the death of God or Goddess." A deep yet calm voice boomed. I snapped my head up to see Delgado, his sharp fangs bared, his silver eyes blazing fiercely, and his fireball tail was flicking back and forth. The wind then settled down and the trees no longer swayed back and fro. Delgado snapped his jaws at the air and snarled viciously. "You may disappear this time but I will tell Mother Nature about your mishap." He growled and then turned his attention towards me, I gulped and stood up since Delgado was seriously scaring me right now. "You. Your not allowed to be here right now." He said through gritted teeth. I furrowed my eyebrows. "I'm not suppose to be here? Your the one that told me to train!" "Yes I told you to train but to train in Dream Leaping not to connect with nature!" "I was only getting answers that you wouldn't give me!" "Because I am forbidden to young one! You are asking things that are out of the question and my life hangs in the balance of this! I can't keep saving you for every default you make!" Delgado yelled and steadied his breathing. I widened my eyes since this is the first time that Delgado has ever yelled at me since I've met him. The anger blazing in his eyes I've never seen in anybody's ever before. "Life isn't a walk through the park my child, you make mistakes and learn from them, but here in the supernatural world one bad mistake you make and everything goes down hill. I have been doing everything I can to make sure that Mason doesn't find you and that I don't get killed during the process, but you are not helping by coming here and asking the wind what you asked." He growled and narrowed his eyes. I cringed and took a step back I needed to get out of here but I don't know how. Great just great. I stood quiet and avoided Delgado's gaze. "I'm not suppose to be here right now and yet here I am. All because you needed answers for something that is against the law!" Delgado growled and snapped his jaws at thin air. I took another step back but then something made me step forward. "Then what are you doing here." I said just above a whisper. Delgado growled and raised his hackles. "I told you I came here because what you asked the wind is against the law." He growled. I raised my head and closed my hands into a fist. "I only asked the wind because no one would give me answers!" Delgado's fur bristled and I noticed his shoulder blades hunch up. "Because we're all trying to protect you!" "That's what everyone is telling me but protect me from what! What do I need protecting from beside Luka and Mason!?!" I yelled as my anger was building up I could feel energy appear out of nowhere and surge through my veins. My heart started beating rapidly and my breathing was uncontrollable. Delgado noticed but he paid no heed to it. "I told you I am forbidden to tell you don't you listen!?!" He snarled and was getting ready to lunge
  4. I could feel the anger in the air between me and Delgado, my fist were closed tightly that they were almost ghost white. Delgado snarled and slowly started circling around me as I did the same. "I told you child I am forbidden to tell you." "If you don't tell me then I'll just ask the wind again." "The wind won't be telling you anything no more once I deal with it." "How can you deal with it?" "I have my ways, ways that you will never know." "Just tell me already Delgado!" I yelled and stopped circling around him. "For crisis sake child what is wrong with your hearing!?!" "I heard you yeah your forbidden to but why!" I yelled and narrowed my eyes, I could then feel a tapping sound that was like it was trying to break through into my mind, but I paid no heed to it. "You don't need to know and you don't deserve to know. Now Go!!" Delgado roared. I stood my ground and refused to go. "GO!" Delgado roared and the entire meadow was set ablaze. I gasped and took a step back I would get out of here but the only problem was that I don't know how! Then I was able to hear the guy's voices. "Drake Omar wake her up now!" Jayden yelled. "What why?" Omar asked. "Just do it!" Jayden yelled frantically. I looked back at Delgado, the fire was surrounding him and danced around him. The fire reflected off of his eyes making him look up to his species name. He truly is a Hellhound. A hellhound that I can no longer trust. A pair of strong hands then grasped me and pulled me into darkness.
  5. The last thing I saw was the hatred burning in Delgado's eyes as the hands pulled me into darkness. I was about to scream when a delicate yet muscular hand covered my mouth and muffled my scream. The hand released me and I turned around to come face to face with a man that looked like in his mid 30's, jet black curly hair that lightly covered his forehead in complicated swirls, topaz eyes that twinkled even though there's hardly any light, pale flawless skin, and a scar that reached from the far end corner of his left eye all the way to his chin, he was clearly taller than me about 5'9 in height. He smiled warmly and placed a hand on my shoulder. "All in due time you will get your answers, but you must be patient my darling. Trust those that protect you and beware of the outsiders." He said and then disappeared. "Wait." I called out but everything was fading away and darkness enveloped me. "Shane pull over." "I'm not pulling over Drake if I do then Luka might find us." "Just pull over the damn car! Look at________and Jayden for crying out loud!" Omar yelled. I struggled to open my eyes but I finally managed and opened them. My vision was blurry for a couple of seconds but then it cleared up. "What's going on?" I asked as I raised my head up since my head was resting on Drake's shoulder. Shane then slammed his foot hard on the brakes and everyone was pulled forward until the car finally stopped. I looked at the passenger's seat to see Jayden with his head in his hands and his legs huddled close to his chest. "What's wrong with Jayden?" I asked since I was fully awake and aware of my surroundings now. Drake remained quiet and Omar shrugged. "We're not sure you were crying and muttering something in your sleep, then Jayden tapped inside your head to see what you were dreaming about and then this happened." Drake said softly and glanced from me to Jayden. I removed my seat belt and placed my hand on Jayden's shoulder. "Jayden Jayden what's wrong?" I asked while I shook him softly. Jayden's shoulder hunched up but then they relaxed and he slowly removed his head from his hands and stretched his legs out. He looked around at the guys and cocked an eyebrow. "What are you guys all staring at?" "You serious Jay?" Omar asked and leaned back in his seat he then pulled out his ipod and placed the earbuds in. Shane shook his head and started the car. "Let's just forget about this." He muttered and pressed his foot on the gas. Drake pulled his notebook out and started doing who knows what while Jayden shrugged and looked out the window. -We're discussing about that dream later- Jayden said inside my head. I groaned threw my head back, I totally forgot for a second that Jayden is a mind reader in fact I don't even know his other powers. Then that means that he saw everything, the argument with Delgado, what the wind told me, and about that guy that saved me from Delgado's wrath. Fantastic just what I need. Sarcastic Jayden to know everything now, I'm so screwed. I didn't even bother to reply or nag at him I just gazed outside the window and my mind drifted off.
  6. -I saw your dream as well you know- I heard a voice say inside my head. It wasn't Jayden so it mostly likely had to be Starfire. I exhaled deeply and figured might as well discuss it with Starfire before I do with Jayden, who was still looking out the window and hardly paying attention. -How much did you see?- -When the wind was telling you about Klaus and Crescita's death and to when you met that man.- Starfire replied softly. I looked out the window on my left and closed my eyes. -So basically you saw everything- -I guess so but as long as it was only a dream you'll be fine.......I hope- Starfire said and added the 'I hope' part a few seconds after. -Thanks for the reassurance Starfire- I said sarcastically and opened my eyes. -Your very welcome- She replied happily and her voice left my head. I looked at all the guys who were all doing their own things, Drake writing in his notebook, Shane driving, Omar listening to his ipod, and Jayden just gazing out the window as it started to rain.
  7. Rain drops quickly soon covered the windows and leaving trails of water as they dripped down, I could see that trees swaying gently as if they were calling me. More drops pounded hard on the car followed by the sound of the wind picking up, seems like nature isn't very happy this evening. Then I felt music suddenly playing in my ear. The song We Are Young by Fun was playing. I smiled since I loved the song and listened as it played. I turned towards Omar and saw him grinning he had put the earbud in my ear when I wasn't paying attention, but no matter since I love this song anyway. I tapped my foot to the beat, not my fault it's a constant habit that I do that. The song ended and I was going to take the ear bud out when Omar stopped me. "No leave it I want you to listen to this next song." He said and scrolled up on his playlist, the song Crush by David Archuleta started playing a few seconds later. I haven't heard this song in awhile so I leaned back in my seat and listened carefully to it and the lyrics. I was so into the song that I hadn't noticed Omar move so close to me that I could feel his breath on my neck. I pulled the ear bud out and turned to see my eyes meet with Omar's bright amber ones. He moved in closer and his lips almost met mine when Starfire suddenly jumped on top of his head and most likely threatened him because he lifted his head up quickly and his eyes widened. He scooted closer to the window and whistled as he gazed outside the window. Drake chuckled softly but I could see the hurt in his icy blue eyes, Shane was concentrating on the road but he must have seen through the review mirror because I could see anger and some other undetectable expression in his eyes, and Jayden. He was still distracted by tracing invisible words on the window. Starfire had leaped off of Omar's head and was now on my lap, which is a little odd to tell the truth. I thought it should always be a dog that lays on your lap not a dragon. Oh well I can use Starfire as a substitute for now.
  8. The car came to a halt as Shane killed the ignition and took the keys out. "How could we be here so fast?" I asked since it's only been 4hrs. Shane turned around and smirked. "This baby here was built on magic so it travels 10x's faster than a regular mortal car." He said and his emerald green eyes gleamed with mischief. Omar and Drake already had gotten out of the car and Jayden was still tracing words on the windows. Shane snapped his fingers in Jayden's face but he didn't even blink. It was like Jayden was stuck in a trance. Shane snapped his finger again yet Jayden didn't respond. I raised an eyebrow and looked at Shane. "Is he seriously that into his little distraction?" Shane smiled and shook his head. "Trust me he's done worse. A few years back he stood on the couch playing with foil paper for 7hrs straight." Shane said and laughed softly to himself. He climbed out of the car and went over to the passenger side door, he slowly opened the door even though Jayden was still tracing words on the window. "No no no no no no no no." Jayden said as he stretched himself out as Shane continued on opening the door more and more. Jayden somehow lost his footing and fell out of the car and straight into the mud, face first. Shane stared at Jayden for a moment and then started laughing like crazy. Omar turned around to see what was so funny and joined Shane in the laughing, Drake was just smiling and shaking his head. He was holding Aaron who was slung over his shoulder and was carrying him like nothing. Starfire peered her head out of the passenger side she then looked at Jayden. -Now that's just a shame right there- She said telepathically as she shook her head and made a tsk tsk sound in all our heads. Jayden raised his hand up. "Give me a minute to take this in." He muffled and threw his hand back down. Shane and Omar were still laughing, Omar was on his back with tears in his eyes and Shane had his hands on his knees and was bending down trying to stop.
  9. Starfire jumped out of the car, landed on Jayden's back and then jumped onto the ground. Jayden raised his head up which was covered in mud. To tell the truth it really looked like he had a mud mask on seriously the outlining around his eyes and mouth was perfect. Jayden stood up and walked out of the mud, his clothes were covered completely in mud they were sticking to him and his hair was plastered together and all over the place. Shane and Omar stopped laughing for a second and glanced at Jayden, who raised his arms and cocked an eyebrow, well I think he did. "What?" Jayden asked. Omar and Shane then burst into a fit of laughter again while Jayden sighed and shifted into his werewolf form. I was amazed since this was the first time I've seen Jayden in his wolf form. His fur was a glossy ashy brown with tints of black here and there, he had black tuffs of fur at the tips of his ears like a lynx, his purple eyes were now a sea green and his muscles rippled under his pelt. He smiled when he saw me staring at him, I blushed lightly and looked away. Jayden shook his pelt and mud went flying everywhere, mostly aiming towards Shane and Omar who yelped when they felt the mud hit them and took a few steps back. Jayden smirked and shifted back into his human form all the mud was now gone but his hair was still tousled. "That should do it now to fix my hair....." Jayden said and his voice trailed off.
  10. Jayden then turned towards Shane. "Hey Shane let me borrow your comb for a second." Jayden said and extended his hand out towards Shane. Shane looked around and took a step back. "Uh I have no idea what your talking about." "Come on Shane don't be like that hand me the comb." "I don't carry a comb and I've never have now shut up." Shane muttered the last two words and Jayden smirked. Shane groaned and pulled out a Beuy Comb out from his back pocket and handed it to Jayden. "Thank you now was that so hard?" Jayden asked and started combing his hair. He combed his scarlet tipped bangs over his eyes and handed the comb back to Shane, who mumbled some things I couldn't make out and put the comb back in his back pocket. Omar stifled a laugh and looked at Shane. "Really Shane you carry a comb around with you?" "Shut up Omar." Shane muttered and started walking. Drake was quiet the entire time all of this was happening but I could tell that he was enjoying the show. Everyone started walking towards a dense forest. "Guys where are we going?" I asked while Starfire trotted after us and climbed on top of my shoulder. Omar shrugged and Shane sighed while Drake stood quiet. "Don't ask us ask Jayden." Omar said and pointed at Jayden who was holding a very very very large map. Jayden turned around and smiled. "Just follow me and you'll see pretty soon." We all groaned and continued on walking.
  11. 2hrs passed and we were still walking mindlessly around this dense forest. Drake who was tired by now placed Aaron down softly by a tree and sat down beside him. Jayden looked at the map and then at the trees. "I know it's this way you guys I just know it." He insisted. Shane walked over to Jayden and stared blankly at Jayden. "Jayden." "What?" "The map is upside down." Shane said blankly. Jayden furrowed his eyebrows and looked from Shane to the map. "What?" Jayden asked again and turned the map right side up. He studied the map for a brief second. "Ohhhhhhhh. Yeah we're lost." He said and smiled as he looked at all of us. Omar groaned and his feet fell under him as he leaned against a tree and fell on the ground right on his butt. I face palmed myself and leaned against a tree. Shane and Jayden started arguing and Omar and Drake stood up and butted into the argument. I sighed and didn't even bother to get into that argument I mean seriously what's the point. A blur of black ran right passed me but when I turned around there was nothing there. The bushes beside me rustled and then the blur raced past me again. "Guys." I called out but they were still arguing. Jayden and Shane were circling around each other while Omar tried to keep them from lunging at each other, Drake just sighed and went back over to Aaron. I took this chance and went in the direction I last saw the blur go. Leaves and twigs crunched beneath my feet as I walked aimlessly around the forest. A sudden gust of air brushed my right arm and I turned around quickly yet nothing was there. I turned around 360 yet saw nothing. I then heard a low growl from the bush right across from me. I gulped and went into my fighting position. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath and then exhaled. Something lunged at me and I did a back flip grabbed the stranger's neck, flipped them on their side and then placed my foot over their chest to keep him or her from getting up. My eyes widened when I saw who my attacker was. "Well now this is a warm welcoming now isn't it princesa."
  12. Sorry had to leave a cliffhanger there guys. Now for the question. Which guy is your favorite so far? Also if you guys didn't read the top I need you to do so, so that you know who the winner for the contest is.

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