The Ultimate OLTL Fan Quiz

40 years ago, Agnes Nixon created One Life to Live. Over theses 4 decades, we have come to know the town, the heroes, the villains, the saints and the sinners.

How well do YOU know OLTL? This quiz will test your knowledge of the history of Llanview, it's best known citizens, and the stories that make this the greatest soap opera EVER!

Created by: Nathan
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. How many secret rooms have been built at Llanfair?
  2. Who was Vicki's first husband?
  3. Who gave Todd the scar on his face?
  4. Vicki's daughter Meghan had a duel personality. What was her name?
  5. "Bo" explained his ability to perform a tracheodomy on Vivki by saying he learned how:
  6. Tina has found the Crown Jewels of Mendora twice. The first time, she found all of them except the diamond which was hidden where?
  7. Who raped Marty Saybrook?
  8. How did Maria Roberts die?
  9. What was Max's wife's name who was killed by thugs in Angel Square?
  10. What is Lindsey's son's name?
  11. Who was responsible for bringing Lindsey to town?
  12. Who pushed Tina out of the lighthouse window?
  13. What is Cassie's son's name?

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