The Ultimate Marilyn Manson Quiz

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Marilyn Manson is a true artist and wonderful musician for anyone who enjoys that kind of work. He made it through life by doing exactly what he wanted and not giving in when people downed him. He has many fans and followers.

So are you a true Marilyn Manson fan? If you're reading this right now,then you must be wondering? Why wonder any longer? Begin the quiz and find out now! Be sure to leave your comments and opinions on the quiz:)

Created by: Lee_Laceration
  1. What is Marilyn Manson's real name?
  2. What was the name of Marilyn Manson's dog when he was little?
  3. Why won't Marilyn Manson drink Folger's coffee?
  4. What did Marilyn Manson do before he got into the music business?
  5. What is the name of Manson's very first album?
  6. Who inspired Manson the most?
  7. True or false,Manson is good friends with Eminem?
  8. True or False,Manson is a Satanist.
  9. What was the old name of Manson's band?
  10. His latest album was made in 2009. What is the name of it?
  11. What are Manson fans called?
  12. Which state was Manson born?
  13. What day was Manson born?
  14. Coma White and Coma-?
  15. They Said Hell's Not-?
  16. The Long Hard Road Out Of-?
  17. Which movie did Manson help compose?
  18. Manson is a big fan of...?
  19. Which of these girls did Manson date for a while?
  20. Last question,which album cover had a picture of Manson with breasts?

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