The ultimate food baby quiz!

Hi! I've never made a quiz before, so this will probably be terrible..... Sorry! Please take my quiz, I'm currently trying to learn to do them properly!

Once you've finished, please comment and share your result. I don't care what you write about my quiz, but I need to hnow how to make the next one decent!

Created by: No name
  1. How many meals do you eat per day?
  2. Is your belly fat hard?
  3. This question won't effect your score.....Do you like Harry Potter?
  4. Do you have a BF or GF?
  5. What do you do with with him or her?
  6. Hi
  7. Are you attracted to fatsos?
  8. One random food that sums you up is.....
  9. Are you fat/overweight?
  10. Final question......Do YOU think you have a food baby?

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