The Test of the Force

Is the force strong with you do you know about Star Wars how well does the force serve you do you have the knowledge of a Jedi master all shall be revealed in this quiz.

Hello and welcome I am a sixth extreme and shall judge not whatever side of the force you are but if you have the force if you do how strong may it be I can tell it all.

Created by: Darth Ivyous
  1. Where did Luke Skywalker grow up?
  2. What does Darth mean in English?
  3. How many languages does C3PO speak?
  4. Is C3PO a rebel?
  5. Which 2 members of the Jedi Council train Obi Wan Kenobi?
  6. Who was supposed to train Anakin Skywalker?
  7. Who trained Anakin Skywalker?
  8. Where was Eath Koth first sited in Star Wars:The Phantom Menace?
  9. How old was Yoda when he died?
  10. How did Luke Skywalker obtain his original lightsaber?
  11. Who did C3PO originally belong to?

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