The sorcerers stone

This extremely hard and exciting quiz about Harry Potter and the Scorcerer's Stone is Perfect for you and your friends. Are you ready for the challenge?

Your success depends on how much you liked the book, how many times you read it, and how many details you remember. We wish you luck! And if you dontndonwell the first time, try again!

Created by: Grava Van Sewell
  1. Who helped Harry get onto platform 9 and 3/4?
  2. What spell did Ron use to knock out the troll on Halloween?
  3. On detention, what were they supposed to find?
  4. What color sweater did Ron get for Christmas?
  5. Did Mr. Weasley meet harry in this book?
  6. Does Harry stay sleeping in the cupboard under the stairs?
  7. When did Harry turn 11?
  8. Wich bottle of liquid did Harry use to go through the black flames?
  9. Who shares a body with voldemort?
  10. Who owns the sorcerers stone?

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