How well do you know the first Harry Potter

There are many people who have seen the Harry Potter movies and have read the book, but how well do you know Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone? Take this quiz and it will truly show you how much you know.

You may think that this quiz is going to be easy answering questions such as what is the main guys name. But your wrong! There are going to be a mix a questions on this quiz and you will see if you are a true fan.

Created by: starslayer1216
  1. The poison from Norbert's bite turns Ron's wound what color?
  2. What form of lighting is used in the Hogwarts entrance hall?
  3. Mr. Dursley is on his way to the baker's to buy lunch when he notices a bunch of strangely dressed people. What does he buy for his lunch?
  4. What house did the Fat Friar belong to when he was a student at Hogwarts?
  5. How does Hermione Granger first demonstrate her aptitude for transfiguration?
  6. What 2 Famous Witches and Wizards cards is Ron Weasley anxious to add to his collection?
  7. Where withing Hogwarts does Harry Potter discover the Mirror of Erised?
  8. Who confiscates the book "Quidditch Throughout the Ages" from Harry?
  9. En route to rescuing the Sorcerer's Stone, Harry and Hermione enter a chamber that contains several potion bottles. How many bottles are there?
  10. What does Hagrid attempt to turn Duddley into?
  11. After the goblin opens Harry Potter's vault at Gringotts, what is the first thing Harry sees?
  12. Which best describes Aunt Petunia's body type?
  13. Who is the only person Lord Voldemort is afraid of?
  14. In Potions class, what part of a unicorn have the student's never used in experiments?

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Quiz topic: How well do I know the first Harry Potter