the smartiness quiz

Take this quiz to find out wether you are smart, average or stupid. !

thanks to this great quiz you can find out weather you are smart or average or stupid. you can find out in just a few minutes. Can you believe that?

Created by: katie

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. you get tons of homework preparing for a test what do you do
  2. yor in the middle of a test you dont know the answer what do you do?
  3. you get detention for what?
  4. whats the first letter of your first name
  5. whats the first letter of yor last name
  6. what do you think of yourself?
  7. if you anser right you lose if you anser wrong you lose
  8. abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyandz
  9. will you comment on this quiz
  10. do you like this quiz

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