The Silliest Test

This quiz was not made to offend anyone if i did please take your temper out on a door... But on a nicer note how About you give thisQuiz A try...if your silly!

Are you silly? Do This Quiz NOW it will find out if your silly enough to complete life. so there are bunch of fun questions to try so why Wait! Give it a go!

Created by: ambrose
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Why Did I Make This?
  2. Who Am I?
  3. What is 10+2090-90?
  4. So...
  5. What Was Question 7?
  6. How long Is Your Wingspan? (reach)
  7. What Does lol mean
  8. When Is This Over?
  9. What Was Question 3? (NO CHEATING!!!)
  10. Te end

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